The Rising Therapist

The Rising Therapist is the brainchild of Sarah Johnston and has been developed in collaboration with her respected colleague, Jess Helle-Morrissey.

The Rising Therapist is a post graduate training and support program for new therapists. We will meet monthly for 9 months (September-May) with half of our time dedicated to education content and the other half will be clinical consultation. The goal is that new therapists will develop skills, personal resiliency, and clinical confidence all while building long term connections with their colleagues.

Participants will explore issues related to being a new therapist such as transference, countertransference, and imposter syndrome. We will examine the interaction of social justice and therapy and explore the challenges in supporting clients through collectively impactful issues such as the pandemic or climate change. The program is not designed to teach any one specific method, but participants will learn about how to work with a clients from a somatic/ nervous system perspective, parts work, and so much more.

To learn more and apply go to

Apply For The Program