Specialized Treatments

I use a combination of approaches based on the needs of my clients. In my early days I was heavily influenced by colleagues practicing from a psychodynamic approach and that is the foundation of my relationship based therapy. Ongoing education keeps me imaginative and my work inspired. A few treatment approaches stand out as being very impactful for clients.


EMDR stands for Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. EMDR is a highly effective treatment for post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and other issues related to stressful life experiences.

EMDR is helpful with targeting stuck feelings that are not improving through talk therapy. I use EMDR with most of my clients and we tend to start seeing results within a few sessions. Currently, I am EMDR trained through the Institute for Creative Mindfulness and working toward EMDR certification.

For more information: https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy


ART stands for Accelerated Resolution Therapy. ART is an intense, rapid, and powerful treatment modality that is based in some of the same concepts as EMDR. I am ART trained and welcome discussion about if this treatment would be a good fit for you.

For more information: http://acceleratedresolutiontherapy.com/what-is-art/

Clinical Hypnosis

Clinical hypnosis involves helping clients access a state of deep relaxation in order to address issues that contribute to pain, depression, anxiety and stress. Every client is different in how they will respond to hypnosis, but I have seen hypnosis very much benefit people struggling with chronic pain, insomnia, performance anxiety, and even interpersonal dynamics.

I completed the first level of training in clinical hypnosis with the Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis through the University of Minnesota Medical School’s Continuing Education.

Parts Work

This is the foundation to a popular treatment modality called Internal Family Systems Therapy. Parts work is an intervention style that involves addressing the many different parts to our minds and psyches, by developing an understanding of the way each part has been developed. The goal is to help you develop an embodied sense of self that can compassionately hold your emotions, sensations, and young parts of self. Many clients find this work incredibly helpful.